Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Thesis Time..

You can't say that you're a 3rd year student if you're not writing any thesis. As far as my observations are concern, there are various reaction towards thesis that ranges differently from one final year student to another. Let's start with the first the 1st category. This very first group consists of dedicated students who are mostly the top scorers, or even those who are well-known among lecturers. They are among the first one to meet the assigned supervisors and the others would die waiting for their updates; on what it takes to meet a supervisor, does the supervisor stern or sporting, does the meeting time clashes with other classes schedule and etc. As for my case, I consider myself as a typical student. I'm 50% introvert and 50% extrovert. I am not going to describe the characteristic of the second category of students as I believe that my story and experince would explain all.
I admit that I was very afraid to see my supervisor so I decided only to see her on the following week after the lists of thesis supervision were leaked to us. It wasn't easy though to see an extremely busy lecturer as I waited almost for 2 hours (minus the lunch break would left me with only an hour). I was extremely boring as I could rarely watch the tv since it was the time where the Indonesia's soap, Tasbih Cinta was aired. ( I don't do Sinetron.) As I waited (not so in patience), I saw a car a car stopped right in front of the foyer and guess what, it was my supervisor. She was like smiling to me ( I think so) as she passed me by. I told myself that I couldn't miss this as it is only now or never and with that thought in my mind, I felt like Marion Jones as I was running to keep up with her pace. As I handed her my proposal, she left and that's the last time I saw or heard of her. It's not that she's gone but I'm still waiting for her heedback and updates on that so-called scholarly work of mine. She as well left me with her previous supervisee's thesis for me to read through before the second meeting but indeed still there are no news from her.