Thursday, February 18, 2010

Fauzi Nawawi versus Rosyam Nor

Semasa cuti2 mid-semester macam nilah aku berpeluang untuk menonton pelbagai drama-drama melayu yg disiarkan oleh Rtm1&2, TV3, dan Astro Ria, yelah kan, nanti kata tak patriotik pulak kalau tak menghargai karya tempatan. Ok, let us put aside the quality first, kita bincang pasal aktor ok. Seantero Malaysia tahu dan sedar yang kebanyakan watak2 heroic dalam drama-drama selalnunya jadi milik Rosyam Nor. Dia digelar Hero Melayu. Cakapla drama apa pun, Gelora Di Hati Sara, Kudrat Iman, Iris dan banyak lagi, kita akan lihat Rosyam Nor sebagai hero, sebagai chariot utk lebih tepat. Watak beliau sebagai anak lelaki kepada kepada konglomerat Melayu yang kaya raya sekaligus merangkap pencinta heroin-heroin cantik yang digandingkan bersama beliau. Watak-watak itu jugalah nanti yang akan jadi penyelamat keadaan pabila munculnya petualang, baik dalam perniagaan besar keluarga beliau mahupun dalam mengugat hubungan cinta bersama sang heroin cantik. Hehe. Mesti orang akan kate..'Pergh, minah ni layan seyh drama-drama ni.' Memang ok. Memang layan. Sebab ibundaku yg tercinta selalu tengok drama. Juga adik2 kesayangan. Heheh. Xkisahla ape org nak kate. Motif kali ni nak discuss tentang dua tonggak dunia lakonan tempatan; yakni Rosyam dan Fauzi. Fauzi Nawawi pula, selain terkenal sebagai suami kepada dramatis Lisdawati, selain daripada Juara Sehati Berdansa 2, adalah seorang stuntman merangkap aktor2 yg sering bawak watak antagonis. Boleh kira dengan jari la, kalau ada drama yang wataknya baik. Mungkin sebab faktor muka beliau yang bengis kot hingga selalu terpilih untuk bawak watak antagonis. Kaki belasah orang, AhLong si ceti haram, perogol, bapak ayam, sume nilah watak2 yg pernah digalas dengan jayanya oleh beliau. Kalau watak baik pun, asalnya watak itu jahat, kemudian di akhir jalan bertobat nasuha. Hahaha. Tapi pada pandangan aku, he's quite a good actor. kalau sedih terasa ambience sedih nye, klau jahat rase nak seranah2 dia.Heheh.Pendek kata lakonan beliau hidup. Ok, sekarang moh kite ke persamaan dua aktor ni. Kedua-dua mereka adalah agak berusia. Kate org, ade umur la. Point aku, disebalik umur dan ke'senior'an mereka, seleksi watak2 mereka cukup berbeza. Rosyam, seperti peneranganku diatas, selalu bawak watak org muda, anak org kaya, bercintan cintun sumelah sementara Fauzi lebih realistik bila kita dapat lihat beliau cenderung dapat watak seorang 'bapa' dalam drama-drama seperti Bahang Ravina (jadik bapak Nabila Huda) dan Na O Me(jadik bapak Elly Mazlein). Bukan niat nak membandingkan mereka, tapi ni semua adalah berdasarkan kepada pengalaman mnonton drama2 yg ada di kaca tv.  Heehehe. Later ok. Tgk drama lg ni.

P/S: If kat Hollywood kire Rosyam Nor mcm Nicholas Cage, nak ajer watak muda2 ni. David Arquette lak asyik jadik Daddy je lately ni.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Happy Belated Besday, Fariq!!!

Entri ni memang dah boleh dikira terlalu lambat untuk di'publish' dalam blog ini. But hey, it's better late than never, kan??? It was 2 weeks ago when we had the celebration of Fariq's birthday. I remembered it was held on Sunday and the venue was in Pusanika. Bus memang takde beb, so naik rapid jelah berhenti depan FPI. Then apelagi, menapak sajor sampaila ke Pusan. Saing dengan Cik Hasliza Jamil, mulalah kami mendekor ape yg patot sementelah menanti kehadiran rakan-rakan yg lain. Lame tak lame la pastu, mucullah tiga pria, Shahir, Azri dan member Shahir yg x kuingat namanya. Borak2 dan gelak2. Normal la kitorang.. Akhirnya momen yg ditunggu-tunggu pon tiba bila Fariq pon muncul..Memasing dah gelabah, nak surprise kan Fariq, tp takut xde efek je..(almaklumlah, Fariq cool orgnyer..heheheh)..last2 nyanyi jela lagu wajib dengar yg berjudul 'Happy Birthday' sechara akustik sambil diiringi petikan gitar solo dari Shahir. Hehe..
disertakan gambo2 yg sempat di 'snap'..

Cik Hasliza sebagai perancang acara posing di majlis yang tercintanya.

Sempat jugak.

Kek yg menawan dan sayang utk dimakan tp akhirnya habis juga. hehehe

I f you look properly, he does resembles and look a little like Dewa Budjana from Gigi. =) Mantop la Shahir.
A guitar hero??
Ko jambu hokayy, Shahir!!!
Member UPM Shahir yg x kami ingat namanya.

Of everything she had done for Fariq, she did it with love..
Fariq merayakan ulangtahunnya, Azri pula?? Adakah merayakan hari terakhir sebagai seorg Bachelor?? Hahaha
Praktis ke untuk majlis kahwin nanti?? Hehehe

lagi2 makan beradap,,hehehe

we are classmates. united we stand together we fall. tp bak kate Azri, 'great minds think alike..' 

The Boys of the Day. Gambo kasik chance..
p/s:walaupun majlis kecil2an, tapi seronok, sebab utk kwn2 je..best2..

Monday, February 8, 2010

My favourite characters in Inglourious Basterds

In my humble opinion, Inglorious Basterds is the best movie that I had ever watched. I am quite familiar with Tarantiono's works, but this piece of art is his best, no doubt. It is all about it, ranging from its catchy title, it housed a bunch of talented actors or Schauspieler ; the equivalent of the noun actor in German. Again in my humble point of view, the movies isn't all about Brad Pitt even he's southern slang is magnificent and unique (credit for that). Overall, Brad Pitt looks ordinary this time around and it would be a lot lovelier to see him as Benjamin Button again.Hehehe. Before I proceed, i'd like to make a remark to those who haven't see Inglorius Basterds, this movie ain't about the real Nazis operation in WW2, but instead a parody (it did looks like it) as we can see Hitler died in vain as he was shot by the Jewish Basterds unlike the real one as he committed suicide. Now moving on to the actors of the movie, i disagree with the statement Brad Pitt is the sole star as to me, the actor who played Standardtenfuhrer Hans Landa deserves a higher recognition. Hurrah, ho won Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actor and lines of awards for his brilliant performance in the movie. According to Tarantino, the role was originally meant for Leo DiCap( can't imagine how  Landa would turn out to be if it's him to play the role. eeeuww!) but later he changed his mind to have a German actor for the role; and to the fact, I thanked Tarantino for introducing me to Christoph Waltz as now he's my current sensation. You can see how he played Landa very sophisticatedly. The witty character of Landa is very passionate with linguistics and is well versed in English, French and Italian apart from his mothertounge, German. He is way a charmer at times but he can turns out to be very salacious as what he did to Bridget von Hammersmack by Diane Krueger. Apart from Landa, my other favourite character in the movie is Monsieur Perrier LaPadite; the dairy farmer whom Landa met as he is suspected hiding the Jewish family in his household. I love the scene so much. I t was seen as an unequal account of conversation as even thogh Landa was throwing questions to him, Monsieur LaPadite was very calm in answering it, and I have to say this, he's not even speaking, he was just uttering the answer 'yes' throughout the inspection. He's the silent man but without having so many dialogue yet still he's understandable and the fear of losing his family battled with the guilt he carried were well seen as a tear drop from his eyes, a s he pointed to Landa the direct location  of where the Jews were hiding. The actor who played Monsieur LaPadite is a French actor named Denis Menochet. I am sure that after this both Herr Waltz and Monsier Menochet will have various offer to act in Hollywood. 
p/s: good talents are not mainly from the Hollywood. 


Denis Menochet as Monsieur Perrier LaPadite.


Christoph Waltz as Colonel Hans Landa.

*courtesy to Google images all the photo were taken from there.

dear me..

dear me,

     this is the final semester of our uni life and please dont flunk it. please be a little more hardworking. please promise that you will procastinate no more. please be more serious about the future. please make a decision whether to embrace the career world or further the masters degree and be firm with it. will you, me???

yours truly,

That is seriously not cool..

English; regardless of what variety it is is widely spoken nowadays. Ability to speak English reflects one's particular background; either educationally or in terms of social background.the real deal in speaking english is to follow it's grammatical rule and the rest will be determine by your communication skills. i am myself is still a learner of english and i'm sure there are mistakes here and there in my language. however, that it is not my point for this particular entry. the reason why i decided to have my say on the usage of english is because i'm tired of listening to people altering english words into simpler form in order to make it sounds 'cool'. this happen most of the time in informal setting of conversation. it is common to hear people utter 'prezzie' from the original noun present(gift) and 'preggie' for pregnant but i was shocked to encounter 'grinny' for grin,  and 'homiey' for home. my question is, aren't the words grin, and home are simple enough??  why must we add extra letters of 'e' and 'i' at the end of the words?? after a long thought over the matter, i realized that most probable influence for such a tendency is too much exposure to the americans' way of speaking english.
the americans are well known for adding extra letters to names say for example johnny for john, robbie for rob, and many more. i believe that they alter names in order to set a friendlier environment but to me by having 'grinny' as in 'here's my grinny for you' to constitute 'here's my smile for you,'biggy' as in'i seriously live in a biggy house', and 'homiey' for 'i am at my homiey sweet home' are seriously not cool. not at all.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Pabila $$$$$$$$$ di hujung jari..

Senangnya bila duit banyak. Bestnya jadi anak orang kaya. Duit tak pernah putus-putus dan boleh beli macam-macam. Apa nak dapat, antara cepat or lewat sikit je. Itulah rungutan-rungutan yang sentiasa aku dengar dimana sahaja aku pergi. Cakap pasal orang kaya ni, aku ada berkawan dengan seorang dua insan yang beruntung dilahirkan dalam keluarga yang mewah ni. Alhamdulillah, mereka-mereka ni tak sombong dan tak pula jadikan status sebagai kayu ukur dalam persahabatan. Tipulah kalau kata tak langsung terpengaruh dengan gaya diorang ni tapi kenela ukur baju di badan sendiri. Tak larat kalau terlalu ikutkan sangat kerenah diorang ni. Pernah sekali teman diorang shopping raya, dalam 1 sesi shopping saja RM600 boleh habis. Ishhh, 6rat tu bolehla dalam sebulan kot tahan if kite catu belanja betul2. Tapi tu duit dia, so dia punya sukalah.Perfumes pulak mesti yang ada jenama; Thierry Mugler Angel, Unforgivable Women by Sean John, Emporio Armani Diamonds..etc..etc..(tipula if aku x terliur)..tapi xpela, Elianto or Body Shop punya perfumes range ok whatt..haha.  Diorang selalu komplen kata aku berkira sebab selalu pilih benda yang paling murah harganya. Katanya, apa salahnya mahal sikit pon. Puas hati. Memang la betul apa yang diorg cakap tu, if kalau bendanya sama, cth body lotion yang fungsinya sama untuk melembutkan kulit, ada pulak pilihan daripada Johnsson&Johnsson dengan BeneFit, haruslah aku pilih brand yg 1st tu.Mampu milik. That's the word. Bukannya kedekut, tapi aku rasa, in a point of view of a student, tak perlulah lagi kot aku membazir kerana brand ni, sebab duit yang ada pon, cukup2 di'allocate' utk study sahaja. Lainla klau dah berduit sendiri, bukan setakat body shop, tapi entah-entah losyen dari la prairie or kanebo pon aku pakai. Moral of the story, pandai-pandaila bawak diri dan jadilah diri sendiri dalam apa keadaan sekalipon.